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DANA Trust

Home DANA Trust



The Founder of the Trust desires of establishing well-being among all, and as a social commitment formed DANA TRUST. 

The Dadi and Nani (Grandmothers, DAdi & NAni) with esteem personalities are hereby given respect by the next generation of the family, by an ever-rolling memorial award, to the outstanding students from the two High Schools of Engandiyur. 

The St. Thomas High School and The National High School, Engandiyur. 

With a cash award of Rs.2500/- per school for the outstanding students, one each from each school, in the name of Smt.Minakshi Velayudhan, Engandiyur and Smt. Madhavi Raghavan, Cherai.

The aim behind the selection process is to have an accountable student to the future having a social responsibility to the upcoming future and a motivation to excel in Her/His career and contribute towards the society on successful growth. 

Current Plan of Action

Endowment Award to Promote……

Being in a Competitive World, trying to be Sensible and to make out the importance of one’s own Future growth and also to have gratitude to The Roots and be accountable for social well-being for a better tomorrow for ALL…

Trying to understand that it’s “TEAM” that makes the excellence possible and the growth of an Individual would depend on Her/His Talents, Efforts and The Time She/He have obtained with supports from Parents/Teachers/Nature and All Around to learn and be kind to progress for GOOD…

Thus to identify and set an example of a STUDENT, from any GENDER/CULTURE/ECONOMICAL BACKGROUND to notify such abilities to work together to motivate and direct INDIVIDUAL  accomplishments to ELEVATE Her/His School’s RESPECT within all Institutes  by achieving possible overall performances and  thus accomplish the School’s visions of education, arts, sports and GOOD GLOBAL CITIZEN……

 Few Characteristics:---

  • Growth Mind-set & Team Builder
  • Brave and Courteous
  • Organized, punctual
  • Consistency & Persistent
  • Able to deal with failure
  • Sets Goals being resourceful
  • Connect Learning to Life
  • Emotional/Creative/Adversity/Intelligence/Vision/Social/Spiritual Quotients…. 
  • Partners with Teachers
  • Values Education
  • Honest/ Having Patience/ Mannerly/ Simple


:- Social well-being and upgrades 

:- Best students' motivation 

:- Sports and Arts encouragement 

:- Women empowerment 

:- Welfare projects for socio-economic backward sector 

:- Possible support scheme for veteran neighborhood

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